Continuous Education

Following Jesus means always setting out to give a living and true witness to the Kingdom of God in the world (OFIR. 67).

Our formation does not end with perpetual profession; we are aware of the need to remain open to change as a requirement of the religious and apostolic vocation itself; it is necessary to rekindle in an uninterrupted manner the grace received, to keep it always alight and to keep fresh the permanent novelty of God's gift (CIstF. 18).

Ongoing formation contributes to making our communities mature, evangelical and fraternal, and in them we achieve a deeper understanding, love and experience of our charism, spirit and spirituality; it is urgent in our missionary vocation. (cf. C. 147-148)

“Religious will diligently continue their spiritual, doctrinal and practical formation throughout their lives” (C. 661).

“Each religious institute has the task of planning and implementing a permanent formation program appropriate for all its members…” (OFIR 66).

…One of the purposes is to form mature, evangelical, fraternal communities, capable of continuing ongoing formation in daily life… (VFC 43)

Continuing formation must contribute to a greater knowledge and appreciation of our founding charism (CTJC p. 434).



Continue training at a personal and community level, providing the means and time to keep us alive in the experience of God, open to change and to the demands of our religious and apostolic vocation at all times and places.

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