The Congregation has the duty to grant solid formation to those who feel called by God to share the same vocation in our religious family (CIC 670). Initial formation begins with the aspirancy and concludes with the perpetual profession. Its purpose is to lead the sisters to a human and spiritual maturity that enables them to assume, consciously and responsibly, their consecration to God (VC 71; PC 18; ES II, 34; OT 8-11; CC No. 18) (C 92).
The initial stage is not yet aimed at a formation to a specific vocation. Still, it is intended to prepare the candidates by providing them with a deeper religious and vocational understanding and greater freedom in choosing their vocation to religious life.
Pastoral Vocation is the activity of the ecclesial community that accompanies Christians in their discernment and vocational choice within the Church. While this is a responsibility of the entire Church, it is also a commitment for every sister in our Congregation. Therefore, we dedicate ourselves to promoting, coordinating, and fostering the growth and maturity of all vocations, especially to consecrated life and, in particular, to our Congregation. (C. 104)
Young women aspiring to join our Congregation must be genuinely motivated by a desire to dedicate themselves solely to God and to serve the extension of the Reign of Christ the Redeemer under the patronage of Mary, Our Mother of Perpetual Help (Can. 597).
The aspirancy can take place in three ways: while living with their families, in a formation house as a group, or in different communities.
The pre-postulancy is a preparatory period of at least two weeks that serves as an introduction to the postulancy. It provides young women with an environment conducive to group integration while also offering fundamental knowledge in Christian doctrine, charismatic identity, and personal development dynamics.
Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
C. Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Gustavo A. Madero, 07810 Ciudad de México, CDMX
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