Structuring Stage

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This stage aims to achieve a “firm” decision for the specific vocation, forming structures that will be put into practice in later stages. It can also be called “educational” because it attempts to educate the candidate through the acquisition of formative habits.



“The novitiate, with which life in the Congregation begins, is a stage of the utmost importance for the formation of the young woman to the charism of the religious life she wishes to embrace. Consequently, its purpose is for the novice to live and reaffirm a profound and joyful experience of the love of God; to test and learn the essential and primary demands of religious life in our Congregation, according to our charism (OFIR 45-47); to prove the authenticity of her call and, in order to attain the perfection of charity, to exercise herself in the practice of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience” (C. 117), (Can. 646).



  • To continue with the process of discernment and formation begun in the pre-novitiate, also promoting the experience of religious life, creating awareness of the importance of this stage so that the novice continues to verify the authenticity of her vocation, as the realization of the evangelical ideal in following Jesus the Redeemer from this religious family.



The juniorate is the stage of formation that includes the first profession until perpetual profession. The main purpose of this stage is to immerse the sisters in the experience of God and to help them progressively perfect their own life as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

During the first two years, the sisters will remain in a house designated for this purpose, under the direction of the Junior Mistress. This stage is called the minor juniorate.


  • To provide the juniors with the appropriate means to continue their human, Christian, religious, apostolic and professional formation received in accordance with their new state of life, so that they may strengthen themselves in the authenticity of their vocation from a profound experience of God and apostolic projection; thus strengthening themselves to give a definitive response to the Lord in the Congregation.

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