Introductory Stage

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    Acceptance to Postulancy Stage

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This stage is intended to provide a first vocational discernment, introduce the young person to community life and its objectives are: to review Christian initiation, introduce the specific vocation and the formative process.


Postulancy is the stage of initial formation that precedes and prepares the young woman for admission to the novitiate. She is provided with the foundations of a human and Christian formation that will enable her to respond with maturity, freedom and responsibility to God's call; and she is introduced to the knowledge of the spirituality, charism and mission of the Congregation, while gradually making the transition from secular life to religious life (Can. 597 &2 RC II 1; OFIR. 42). Its duration is one to two years. (C 113)



  • To accompany the candidates in their discernment process and provide them with human-Christian formation that helps them clarify their life choice as a commitment to collaborate in the extension of the reign of Christ the Redeemer.


The pre-novitiate or second year of Postulancy is a stage of greater depth of what has been seen and experienced in the previous year, together with the Postulancy they constitute a stage of preparation prior to entering the novitiate; the assimilation and experience of the demands of the novitiate depends on the seriousness with which this stage is lived.



  • To deepen the sense of the call and the free and generous response that one wants to continue giving, in order to advance in the formative and discernment process that prepares one for the novitiate.

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