Our Congregation, raised up by the Holy Spirit (VFC) 46, 58 a) to participate in the evangelizing mission of the Church (Mt 28,19-20; VC 78; Redemptoris Missio (RMi) 9, 121) is essentially missionary (RMi) 21; EN 59 b, c). From the Church we receive the command to dedicate ourselves to the explicit proclamation of the Gospel (General Directory for Catechesis (DGC) 50; PCP II 104) in accordance with the Charism received by our Founders, of which we participate and continue” (C 78). “…We make our own the pastoral needs of the Church, ready to go out to meet those who do not know Christ and those who live far from Him, to sow and strengthen in them the seeds of the Word (Cf. AG (Ad Gentes) 11; 13; C 6).
The Congregation assumes the commitment to attend to the common task derived from the mandate of Jesus, according to the signs of the times in different apostolic fields: Evangelization, through different means such as: Itinerant, Permanent and Ad Gentes Missions, Retreat Houses, Vocation Pastoral, Catechesis, Schools and Human Promotion: Homes, Penitentiary Pastoral, attention to Student Houses, Indigenous and Migrant Pastoral.
Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
C. Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Gustavo A. Madero, 07810 Ciudad de México, CDMX
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